Cock Competition porn collage

Cock Competition Self-Description

This is what it says on the home page: "We shoot and update our site every single day. Every girl is hand picked, and we use the best cameras. When you join our site, you get access to all 24 of our sites! You also get discounts to our partner sites, and more videos than you could ever watch in HD."

We've already observed that the Porn Pros Network often isn't really big on describing their projects. It seems like they let their home page do the talking. And, I guess the names give away a lot. I mean, it is called COCK COMPETITION.

So, the idea is that there are big cocks squiring cum all over the place: faces, pussies...and, especially faces. I guess a self-description isn't that necessary in a case like Cock Competition.

The Women Of Cock Competition

Cock Competition cum cock porn

There is no pornstar roster of names. It looks like mostly amateur whores who are crazy for cum.

Who Is The Right Consumer For Cock Competition?

This is clearly for the porn people who are turned on by big cocks firing voluminous cumshots.

What Is The Cost of Cock Competition

Cock Competition membership cost

You can get a month for $24.95. And, there's an option to take a 1 Day Trial for a buck.